It’s Taper Time!

Am I the only runner that actually enjoys the taper? I’m still running, but far less and I love the extra time. I also love knowing that my legs are recovering and resting up for the big day. Ahh I’m getting so excited! The ten day forecast is up, and it’s looking good! For once I’d like to run a race that isn’t 85 degrees or windy and rainy. Fingers crossed!

Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 7.15.54 AMHere’s what I’ve been doing with my extra time…

Brent and I went to College Station, Texas last weekend for the A&M/Alabama game. Despite the loss we had fun drinking Texas beers, eating BBQ and catching up with old friends. I randomly ran into Brooke Alexander, a friend from high school in England. Small world.


With less running there is more time for Yoga. Monday I went on an easy three mile run in Manhattan Beach before yoga class. The sun was setting as I ran down the strand. It was beautiful. I’m also loving Tamal’s class at The Green Yogi.

Tuesday we had to cancel school because the power was out. I’m thankful I love my job so much that this made me sad. Our scholars are learning to read, which is a little hard to do when they’re not at school!

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Tuesday night I went watchless at track. It was very liberating and forced me to take it easy. We did a bunch of 200s, some 400s and 800s. 1488039_10153758287812491_1252563774566048992_n

On Wednesday my co-workers and I decided to be twinsies.


On Wednesday night Ashley, Alaina, I and the boys went to Baco Mercat for dinner (yup, working down the Jonathan Gold list) then to the Sound of Music at the Ahmanson. Oh The Sound of Music! Brings back so many happy childhood memories!maxresdefaultAt Baco Mercat I had the Double Mushroom Coca and the Under the Volcano cocktail. I was worried the flatbread would be a little boring, but the marinated shiitakes and criminis with chili flakes and fontina was so flavorful..and the crust was perfect….chewy and crispy on the edges. I always go for spicy drinks…and the Under the Volcano did not disappoint. Brent had a Baco with a yummy pita like bread and rich sauce. Will definitely go back.

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Speaking of food and drinks, I finally tried the Moscow Mule at Playa Provisions with Brent. Don’t be fooled by the fact that it doesn’t taste strong. I got a little chatty after light salads and the Moscow Mule.

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Friday morning we recognized our Star Scholars who exemplify curiosity at Community Meeting. Did I mention I love my job? IMG_2243

And we went out for Brianne’s birthday at Plan Check on Fairfax. It’s a Jonathan Gold-er, and it was yummy and times with Brianne and the gang are always fun. I had the blue cheese burger, but I really don’t know if it’s Jonathan Gold worthy…

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OK, back to running…

My bib number for the New York Marathon is in the 5000s, so for some reason I am starting with the super fasties…which makes me really nervous. I’d love your advice…should I start further back? I don’t want to be passed the entire race! Or does this help me beat the crowds? Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 7.46.18 AM

Don’t mind if I do!

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I hope I look this good in my 70s.
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Papa met Hal Hidgon at the Chicago Marathon expo! Oh Hal! You’ve gotten me through many marathons 🙂FullSizeRender (76)

And I’m getting my final sports massage (sports torture) on Tuesday night. Hoping they fix these super tight hamstrings and glutes. They’ve got a long way to go next weekend!

It’s currently Saturday morning and I’m not off running twenty something miles. I’m chillin on the couch and meeting Ellen for a run at 11:30, YES, 11:30 before CycleHouse. Will keep you posted on the taper.

Yoga for Runners

I just got back from an awesome yoga class at The Green Yogi with Mkunde, our new sixth grade math teacher who just moved to Los Angeles from New York City. We have challenged ourselves to visit a new yoga studio every week until we find a few favorite studios to make our more permanent yoga homes. We have already taken Rudy’s infamous yoga class at Santa Monica Power Yoga and next week I’m thinking about suggesting the Yoga Collective in Venice. I love yoga. I love its ability to help me find a sense of peace, calm and relaxation in moments of challenge. Over the years I have gone through yoga phases where I have practiced three-four times a week, but it typically meant less running time, less husband time after work and less cash. Running is cheap and less of a time commitment. Although I will always be more of a runner than a yogi, I think it is manageable to commit to a studio class once a week. Especially because I think it makes me a stronger runner.


Much like running, yoga gives me a reflective space.  Yoga poses can be incredibly difficult, but the practice has taught me to remain calm especially when it gets tough. I have learned to embrace the feeling of so desperately wanting to move out of a challenging pose, but instead forcing a smile and moving into the pose more deeply. It is a skill I can translate to my work with students and families. I’m encountered with experiences were I need take a deep breathe and demonstrate self-control and calm on a daily basis.

I also find that a regular practice helps keep my hips healthy so that I can keep running injury free. Yoga strengthens the muscles that prevent me from acquiring ITBS, what killed me at my first marathon back in 2008.

Runner’s World also has an awesome collection of short online yoga classes. They are tailored for us mileage junkies, designed to strengthen our weak muscles that often result in injury. I’ve found them really helpful when I’m traveling. Sitting  on plane, trains and automobiles tightens hips.

A few questions I have for other runners out there. Comment below.
1. How do you balance running and yoga?
2. Do you think a regular yoga practices makes you a better runner?
3. SoCal residents, where do you practice?


Oh also, TOTALLY unrelated to yoga, last night I was complaining about my need for a desk and proper work space at school. Amazon reads minds. I woke up this email this morning. Very tempting!

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